Tuesday, March 12, 2013

Easter is coming! March 31, 2013

A Petal in Time ..... rose petal jewelry and rosary collection
Easter will be here in 19 days ..... a major holy day for Christians all over the world.  Suppose you could remember this Easter forever?  We can help you do that.

You may be receiving roses from your spouse, children, or other significant person in your life.  And if you're like me, you'll really hate to part with them when they begin to wilt.  But what's the alternative? 

We'll be happy to work with you to create a lovely rtose petal rosary or piece of jewelry made from beads formed from the petals of those beautiful roses.  

The rose scent of the black beads combined with the elegant contrast of sterling silver will be a lovely remembrance of the thoughtfulness of the person who gave you your lovely roses. 

Contact us and we'll be happy to call you to talk about the specifics of your custom made jewelry or rosary.